Who died today.

Lists of Latest Notable Deaths.

Latest Death News 2022.

List of deaths May 2022

 May 10, 2022 

 May 9, 2022 

Adreian Payne, 31

Adreian Payne, 31

American professional basketball player and first-round NBA Draft pick who played for Atlanta Hawks, Minnesota Timberwolves, Juventas Utina.

 May 8, 2022 

Dennis Waterman, 74

Dennis Waterman, 74

English actor (Minder, (Scars of Dracula,The Sweeney, Fair Exchange, New Tricks) and singer (So Good For You).

 May 7, 2022 

Mickey Gilley, 86

Mickey Gilley, 86

American country singer ("Room Full of Roses", "You Don't Know Me" , "Don't the Girls All Get Prettier at Closing Time",  "Fool For Your Love", "Stand by Me") and songwriter.

 May 6, 2022 

George Pérez, 67

George Pérez, 67

American comic book artist (The Avengers, Superman, Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Teen Titans) and writer.

 May 5, 2022 

Du'Vonta Lampkin, 25

Du'Vonta Lampkin, 25

American football defensive tackle who played for Massachusetts Pirates. He died after being shot in a Dallas apartment.

 May 4, 2022 

 May 3, 2022 

 May 2, 2022 

Kailia Posey, 16

Kailia Posey, 16

American actress, beauty pageant and reality show contestant (Toddlers & Tiaras or Another Toddlers & Tiaras).

 May 1, 2022 

Robert Morse, 90

Jerry verDorn, 72

The Emmy-winning soap opera actor, best known for his role as Ross Marler in American radio and television soap opera 'Guiding Light and Clint Buchanan in ABC's 'One Life to Live'.

Lists of Important, famous and notable people who died today or recently - who important passed away today ? In Memoriam to the celebs who are deceased today or recently. Death list updated daily.


Death list is updated daily with the latest news and updates for Celebrity and Notable Deaths - Deaths News.

Through deathsnews.com Lists of Deaths - Deaths News you will get The latest news and updates for latest Celebrity Deaths with our Daily updated Latest Celebrity death list.


The latest news and updates for Celebrity Deaths: Who died today ?

May 10, 2022. The following are lists of notable deaths

All Notable Deaths Today in one place on our updated death lists. This lists of notable deaths of famous person who died today or recently include a photograph of the deceased and a complete biography with all important information about the person who died. This is a lists of notable deaths of famous person who died today or recently.


Latest deaths news with Death list of:


celebrities,politicians,singers,actors,artists,writers,athletes,painters,diplomats,Olympic champions,playwrights,wrestlers,football players,ice hockey players,basketball players,composers and other famous peoples who sadly died recently.

Lists of deaths by year, 

Names are reported under the date of death with the following information:

Photography, country of citizenship, what subject was noted for, cause of death (if known), and reference.

List of deaths by year:

With these death lists, You will be the first who will get the answers to the following questions :

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